一、代表性文章 (Selected peer-reviewed journal articles)
*指通讯作者/* indicates corresponding author
1.Liu, R., L. Liu*, T. Wu, and X. Hu, “Public-private Partnership” and Social Conflict over Land Expropriation in China’s Suburban Villages. China: An International Journal, 2024. 22(1): p. 1-26
2.Liu, L.* and Q. Li, Target and performance: evidence from China’s air quality management. Public Performance & Management Review, 2024. 47(1): p. 174-203.
3.Liu, L., Y. Xu, Z. Yang, and Y. Li, The interrelationship between environmental NGO development and environmental condition in China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023. 25(8): p. 8487-8516.
4.Xu, Z., L. Liu*, and W. Jin, The formation of high strategic thinking ability: a study of Chinese grassroots cadres. International Journal of Public Leadership, 2022. 18(4): p. 369-390.
5.Liu, L.*, L. Tang, R. Liu, and M. Li, The career characteristics of China’s prefectural environmental protection bureau heads with implication for the environmental governance. Journal of Chinese Governance, 2022. 7(2): p. 212-235.
6.Liu, L.*, Z. Yang, and S. Song, Does ranking stimulate government performance? Evidence from China’s key environmental protection cities. Social Indicators Research, 2021. 158(2): p. 699-725.
7.Liu, L., M. Li, and M. Chu, Promotion for Performance? The working incentive of Chinese provincial environmental agency heads in pollution reduction. Chinese Public Administration Review, 2021. 12(1): p. 20-34.
8.Li, Q., K. Zhu, L. Liu*, and X. Sun, Pollution-Induced Food Safety Problem in China: Trends and Policies. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2021. 8(870).
9.Liu, L., B. Di, and M. Zhang, The tradeoff between ecological protection and economic growth in China’s county development: Evidence from the soil and water conservation projects during 2011–2015. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2020. 156: p. 104745.
10.Liu, L.*, J. Chen, X. Li, and T. Wu, The socioeconomic and policy drivers of China’s regional energy consumption: a study of Sichuan Province. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2020. 22(7): p. 1467-1483.
11.Di, B., Z. Yang, L. Liu*, Y. Yang, and J. Li, The regionalized ecological, economic and social benefit of China's sloping cropland erosion control during the 12th five-year plan (2011–2015). Journal of Environmental Management, 2020. 276: p. 111314.
12.Wang, P., L. Liu*, X. Tan, and Z. Liu, Key challenges for China's carbon emissions trading program. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2019. 10(5): p. e599.
13.Liu, L.*, T. Wu, and Z. Wan, The EU-China relationship in a new era of global climate governance. Asia Europe Journal, 2019. 17(2): p. 243-254.
14.Wang, P., L. Liu*, and T. Wu, A review of China's climate governance: state, market and civil society. Climate Policy, 2018. 18(5): p. 664-679.
15.Liu, L.* and Z. Xu, Collaborative governance: A potential approach to preventing violent demolition in China. Cities, 2018. 79: p. 26-36.
16.Liu, L., T. Wu, Z. Xu, and X. Pan, The Water-Economy Nexus and Sustainable Transition of the Pearl River Delta, China (1999–2015). Sustainability, 2018. 10(8): p. 2595.
17.Liu, L.*, Y. Chen, T. Wu, and H. Li, The drivers of air pollution in the development of western China: The case of Sichuan province. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018. 197: p. 1169-1176.
18.Liu, L.*, T. Wu, S. Li, M. de Jong, and Y. Sun, The drivers of local environmental policy in China: An analysis of Shenzhen’s environmental performance management system, 2007–2015. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017. 165: p. 656-666.
19.Liu, L.*, T. Wu, and Y. Huang, An equity-based framework for defining national responsibilities in global climate change mitigation. Climate and Development, 2017. 9(2): p. 152-163.
20.Liu, L., P. Wang, and T. Wu, The role of nongovernmental organizations in China's climate change governance. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2017. 8(6): p. e483.
21.Liu, L.* and M. de Jong, The institutional causes of environmental protests in China: a perspective from common pool resource management. Journal of Chinese Governance, 2017. 2(4): p. 460-477.
22.Liu, L.*, M. de Jong, and Y. Huang, Assessing the administrative practice of environmental protection performance evaluation in China: The Case of Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016. 134(Part A): p. 51-60.
23.Huang, Y., L. Liu*, X. Ma, and X. Pan, Abatement technology investment and emissions trading system: a case of coal-fired power industry of Shenzhen, China. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2015. 17(3): p. 811-817.
24.Huang, Y. and L. Liu*, Fighting corruption: A long-standing challenge for environmental regulation in China. Environmental Development, 2014. 12: p. 47-49.
25.Liu, L.* and X. Ma, Integrated river basin management in rapidly urbanizing areas: a case of Shenzhen, China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2011. 5(2): p. 243-254.
26.Liu, L.* and X. Ma, Technology-based industrial environmental management: a case study of electroplating in Shenzhen, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010. 18(16-17): p. 1731-1739.
1.田明霞,刘磊*,成渝地区双城经济圈碳达峰预测研究.电子科技大学学报(社科版),2023, 25(6):25-36.
2.刘磊,曾宏燕,刘雨果,污染减排的晋升激励效应:基于省级党政领导的检验. 电子科技大学学报(社科版),2021.23(6):42-48+112.
3.刘锐,刘磊,权责分立与风险分配:网格化管理困境分析. 求实,2020.6:42-56+108.
8.计军平,刘磊,马晓明.基于EIO-LCA模型的中国部门温室气体排放结构研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版),2011.47 (4):741-749
二、专著和书章 (Monograph and book chapter)
1.刘磊 等.2023.成渝地区双城经济圈绿色协同发展研究.成都:西南财经大学出版社.
3.Liu, L. and P. Wang. 2020. Does the 'Chinese model' of environmental governance demonstrate to the world how to govern the climate? NO: Chinese experience is difficult to be replicated by other countries. Contemporary Debates About Climate Change: A Student Primer. M. Hulme, Routledge